Home > News & Events > PT Forisa Nusapersada Builds Community Business Spirit Through Nutrijell Jelly Art Training
PT Forisa Nusapersada Builds Community Business Spirit Through Nutrijell Jelly Art Training
26 March 2022

Hearing the word Jelly is synonymous with Nutrijell. But who would have thought that this dessert ingredient with a chewy, clear, delicious, and fiber-rich texture is also the best ingredient for Jelly Art. Very beautiful, beautiful, unique, and has a high selling value.
Again, PT Forisa Nusapersada as the producer of Nutrijell supports government programs in order to grow and build new entrepreneurs in the community in the form of “NUTRIJELL JELLY ART TRAINING”. In this training, PT Forisa Nusapersada collaborated with the South Jakarta PKK driving team led by Mrs. Essie Feransie Munjirin as chairman, located at the South Jakarta Mayor Building with a total of 50 participants.
This activity took place from 09.00-13.00 WIB which was guided by the promotion team from the Forisa South Jakarta area by providing Jelly Art training techniques to all participants present. In this training, participants were taught how to fill paintings on canvas made from raw materials using Nutrijell Balance color variant soursop/Nutrijell Plain placed on a transparent media box, then participants could paint on the canvas with flowers, leaves, or other motifs. using a syringe that contains Agarasa liquid, milk, and food coloring.
This training has been held several times in 2022 and it is hoped that the skills gained can be developed by the trainees to produce jelly art that has a high selling value. Jelly Art skills are expected to be an alternative home-based business that will have an impact on improving the family economy.
Notes: Links for media coverage can be seen at:
- http://koranprogresif.co.id/pt-forisa-nusapersada-bekerjasama-dengan-tim-penggerak-pkk-dan-dharma-wanita-persatuan-kota-administrasi-jakarta-selatan-adakan-kegiatan-pelatihan-jelly-art/
- http://jurnalnusantara.com/2022/03/26/puluhan-ibu-pkk-ikuti-pelatihan-seni-menghias-puding/
- https://analisnews.co.id/2022/03/pt-nusapersada-bersama-pkk-dan-dharma-wanita-persatuan-jakarta-selatan-gelar-seni-menghiasi-pudding.html
(YK, 2022)