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Teh Sisri Bercerita Roadshow Event
18 July 2022

Along with the rapid development of technology, digital technology currently has a major influence on the development of children. Coupled with the necessity of children to do distance learning during the Covid-19 pandemic which limits the space for children to interact directly, the use of digital technology in the form of gadgets and the internet in the school-age group has increased very high.
Current technology not only has a positive impact on users at the age of children but can also hurt children's growth period, of course, one of the negative impacts is making many children today become dependent on gadgets for carrying out activities in their daily lives, with various kinds of applications offered on gadget technology in the form of applications such as games and social media, of course making children more accustomed to spending time with gadgets and having an impact on the lack of physical activity and socializing with their environment. This is a bad and negative impact on the growth and development of physical and character in children.
PT. Forisa Nusapersada, which is engaged in the food and beverage supply industry, supports the government in educational activities in schools. One form of company support for the government in the field of education and character building in schools is through roadshow events in elementary schools to educate children of growing and developing age with the media "Interactive Fairy Tales" in conveying the value of kindness to these children.
With the support of the Teh Sisri brand as one of the beverage brands at PT Forisa Nusapersada which fully supports this activity, this activity is carried out well and reaches a wider area throughout Indonesia with the theme "TEH SISRI BERCERITA ROADSHOW" in collaboration between PT. FORISA NUSAERSADA with INDONESIAN KAMPUNG DONGENG. The main purpose of the Teh Sisri Bercerita Roadshow activity is to teach children about the norms of goodness, such as social norms, religious norms, and manners which are packaged in an interactive and witty fairy tale.
PT. Forisa Nusapersada in collaboration with the Kampung Dongeng Indonesia Foundation has run the Teh Sisri Bercerita Roadshow at school since 2018 until now. PT. Forisa Nusapersada is committed to supporting the government in creating the next generation of character and instilling good moral values in their environment.
At the beginning of 2018, the Teh Sisri Bercerita Roadshow was running at 800 school points throughout Indonesia. Seeing the positive response from various parties and the many requests from schools, this Roadshow began to be multiplied, and in 2019 it became 1,000 school points, and everything went very well.
At the beginning of early 2020, we had time to carry out the Teh Sisri Roadshow activity, telling about 250 school points until the Covid-19 Pandemic hit Indonesia, we stopped the Roadshow because of restrictions on public space as a form of Government advice to prevent the transmission of the Covid outbreak. 19.
And in 2022, after the government regulation on the opening of learning activities in schools, the Teh Sisri Bercerita Roadshow was again held and targeted to run 730 school points throughout Indonesia. So, up to now, the Teh Sisri Bercerita Roadshow has been recorded to run in 2,780 school points, with a total audience of more than 1.9 million students who take part in this Teh Sisri Bercerita Roadshow.
In this series of events, the Teh Sisri Bercerita Roadshow, in addition to storytelling, entertains children through outdoor activities, activities such as morning exercises, as well as fun and interesting games are also carried out so that children are enthusiastic and happy in participating in this positive activity.
2,780 school points, with a total audience of more than 1.9 million students who took part in this Teh Sisri Bercerita Roadshow.
In this series of events, the The Sisri Bercerita Roadshow, in addition to storytelling, entertains children through outdoor activities, activities such as morning exercises, as well as fun and interesting games are also carried out so that children are enthusiastic and happy in participating in this positive activity.
The The Sisri Bercerita Roadshow received a good response from various parties, especially from the school, because it supports school activities in character building and instilling good values in students, and directly brings an atmosphere of enthusiasm for learning at school.
(OK, 2022)